Fishing Report August 24,2023

SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running a consistent generation schedule this week. They have been running 2 unit’s of water starting at 1 pm and running till 8 pm. With the hot weather we are having to try not to over play the fish, land them quickly and get them back in the water as soon as possible.

Try fishing the oxygenated shoals and the plunge pools right below them or work the deep water around the moss beds. As the water falls out, hit anywhere there’s moving water or start fishing the deep holes.

The best bite has been early mornings while fishing the falling water. I’ve been drift fishing out of the boat running Pheasant tail soft hackles and Guide Choice Hare’s ears. As the water falls out and the bite starts to get tough with temperatures reaching a 100 degrees I’ve been putting on a midge dropper. Another fly that has been good is a pink San Juan worm. Or an egg.
The streamer bite has been good lately with the current generation schedule. I’ve been fishing the dam in the evenings after the fish get acclimated to the 2 unit water coming out of the dam. I’ve been using an #8 weight rod with 330 sink lines to get down. Brown & Yellow Double Deceiver’s, or White & Chartreuse have been my best color choices.

Rich Arnold from Ida Louisiana, was drift fishing a Pheasant tail soft hackle alongside the moss beds in the deep water when this guy decided to take his fly. The fish wanted to get back in the moss, Rich managed to pull this fish out of the moss beds and get him in the boat. Congratulations my friend you did an excellent job playing this beautiful Little Red River brown trout.

Posted in Fishing Reports.