Greer’s Ferry Lake is 8.1 ft above power pool. The Army Corps of Engineers are on a pretty consistent generation schedule usually starting around 7am and running two units of generation till 7pm.
The bite has been good. Try fishing Pink San Juan worms, egg patterns underneath an indicator. Vary your depths depending on where you put in.
Author Archive: Mike Winkler
Fishing Report March 7, 2023
Greer’s Ferry Lake is 7.7 feet above the power pool. With all the rain we got last week the Army Corps of Engineers has cut back on the generation schedule till the water from other streams goes down. I see them increasing the flows as soon as there able to do so. As of now the generation schedule has been starting around 8am to 8pm running 2 unit’s. Always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out.
The water is still just a bit off color around Dripping Springs access and further down. Some of the boat ramps are full of mud from all the rain and the heavy flows we had last week. I’d recommend using four wheel drive to launch at Dripping Springs access. There’s probably twelve inches of mud on the ramp. The hot flies right now have been pink San Juan worms and egg patterns.
Fishing Report March 2, 2023
Greer’s Ferry Lake is 4ft above power pool. The Army Corps of Engineers are running 5 Flood gates open and 2 units of generation at the time of this report. Always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out. The fishing on the Little Red has been good considering all the water being released.
The nymph bite is good while fishing out of the boat, I’m fishing a two fly deep water nymph rig set at various depths depending on where I’m fishing at on the river. The hot fly at the moment is a San Juan worm or Mega Worm.
Fishing Report January 19, 2023
Greer’s Ferry Lake is just .09 feet below power pool with all the rain we have had and is still rising. For the past week the SWPA, South West Power Administration has been running water on days when the temperatures are cold out and not been generating on days when the day time temperatures are warm.
Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out. They are always subject to change so check the release feature on the app to see if they are running water. The bite has been good for nymphing under an indicator in the falling water or streamer fishing in the high water. The hot flies right now are egg patterns and Mega worms or San Juan worms along with midge’s. Or a small buggy pattern.
The streamer bite has been good when the dam is releasing water. I’ve had a couple of guide trips just throwing streamer patterns chasing after brown trout. We have been throwing Double Deceiver patterns in brown and yellow, or olive on a #8 weight rod with a 330 sink line.
Eric Antrim, from Fresno California was stripping streamer patterns and going after brown trout on a cold winter day on the Little Red River. Brown & Yellow Double Deceiver patterns were on the menu and the fish were liking it.

Eric Antrim, from Fresno California was stripping streamer patterns and going after brown trout on a cold winter day on the Little Red River

Eric Antrim, from Fresno California was stripping streamer patterns and going after brown trout on a cold winter day on the Little Red River
Fishing Report January 11, 2023
Greer’s Ferry Lake is 1.3 ft below the power pool with all the rain we got last week.
The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running some water and the fish are definitely liking it. There’s been a consistent generation schedule as of now. Sometimes they run in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon generation schedule. I’d check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out. And also check the release feature in case they run water unexpectedly.
The hot fly seems to be a San Juan worm or egg patterns underneath an indicator.
The streamer bite is good now that there is running water.
Fishing Report November 09,2022
The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has not been running much water or a consistent generation schedule lately. Always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out. Look at the release feature on the app for unexpected releases.
With colder weather forecasted this coming week I’d expect to see more water being released for power demand. For the past couple of weeks the temperatures were in the mid 50’s for the morning lows and in the 70’s for the day time highs along with the SWPA running little to no generation for days the brown trout spawn has not kicked in 100% just yet.
The best bite has been early morning or while fishing the falling water. When they don’t run water for a few days try fishing anywhere that there’s moving water or you can get a drift. Also try fishing the deeper holes they are holding fish.
Try fishing a double nymph rig with an Egg and a midge dropper. Or anything small and buggy underneath an indicator. Apricot & Peach Egg patterns along with Midges have been producing. Small streamer patterns have been working well while using an intermediate sink line or sink tip. Try stripping Crackle back emergers and Slump busters flies in the fast riffle water or the deeper pools.
Simon Seaton. Born and raised in the UK, United Kingdom now residing in Houston Texas. Ended up catching this nice Rainbow Trout that looks like it’s been in the river awhile while nymping the falling water at Dripping Springs access on the Little Red River.
Fishing Report October 20, 2022
Fall weather is here and SWPA, South West Power Administration has been running a little bit of water early in the mornings with the colder temperatures we are experiencing. This was not projected or posted on the USACE Little Rock app so always check the “Release” Feature on the app to see what they are running. Especially if you are Wade Fishing. We are having low flows on the river unless we get a cold snap and they release water for power demand.
The best bite has been early in the morning and into the evening. Eggs, Midges, Soft hackles have been working well.
Dustin, from Durant Oklahoma caught this nice brown trout while fly fishing on the Little Red River. This was his first time fly fishing. This fish put up a pretty good battle and he did an excellent job getting this fish in the boat.
Fishing Report October 12, 2022
Well it’s Fall in the Ozarks and the temperatures are nice and comfortable.
The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running 1 unit of generation for two hours a day with some days bumping it up to 2 units of generation usually starting sometime late afternoon. It’s been subject to change so always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out on the river.
The weekend generation schedule has been about the same. Expect low flows from here on out especially with Greer’s Ferry Lake being below pool. The best bite has been early morning while there’s still some flow from last night’s generation schedule. And late evening.
The fish seem to be in any place with a little current also the deeper holes along the moss beds. Egg patterns, Midges, small pheasant tails and San Juan worms have been working well.
Fishing Report October 5, 2022
SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running one unit of generation for two hours usually starting at 5pm and usually running for two hours, Monday through Friday. It’s subject to change so always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out. The weekend generation schedule has been about the same.
The best bite has been early morning while there’s still water falling out from last night’s generation. The evening bite has been good as well. Try fishing anywhere where there’s current. The fish seem to be in the deep holes and oxygenated shoals. Or whatever you can get a drift. Egg patterns, Midges along with small pheasant tail nymphs have been my go to.
Fishing Report September 29, 2022
With the temperatures in the 80’s its starting to feel more like Fall. Expect to see reduced flows. The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running low flows. This week we have seen them running one unit or two units of generation for an hour or two usually starting late afternoon around 5 pm. The weekend generation schedule is about the same.
The best bite has been early morning and evenings. The fish seem to be biting a little better in the shoals or wherever there’s a bit of current. With the reduced current anywhere you can get a drift is a good place to fish. Small pheasant tail nymphs, Midges and egg patterns have been working good.
Here of lately I’ve been running an egg pattern and a midge dropper. Stripping small streamer patterns, wholly buggers have been working as well. Along with crackle back emergers on a sink tip.