The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running a consistent generation schedule for a while now. They have been starting the generation around 2pm to 3pm and running two units for several hours usually stopping around 7pm to 9pm. Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.
With the temperatures in the 90’s and heat index around the 100’s I’d expect to see the same generation schedule to continue until it starts to cool down a bit. With the hot weather try not to over play the fish and get them back in the water quickly.
Try fishing in the deep holes around the moss beds and in the oxygenated shoals. The fishing has been good considering the hot weather we are experiencing. The best bite has been early morning and late evening before the sun goes down.
I’ve been launching the boat mostly out of Dripping Springs access and fishing the falling water, drifting San Juan worms in the morning then switching it up between buggy soft hackle flies and sometimes dropping a midge below the soft hackles. Hot flies for me right now have been small Pheasant tail soft hackles, Guides Choice Hare’s ears and Pink San Juan worms along with Root beer midge’s.