Fishing Report July 27, 2023

The SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running a consistent generation schedule for a while now. They have been starting the generation around 2pm to 3pm and running two units for several hours usually stopping around 7pm to 9pm. Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.

With the temperatures in the 90’s and heat index around the 100’s I’d expect to see the same generation schedule to continue until it starts to cool down a bit. With the hot weather try not to over play the fish and get them back in the water quickly.

Try fishing in the deep holes around the moss beds and in the oxygenated shoals. The fishing has been good considering the hot weather we are experiencing. The best bite has been early morning and late evening before the sun goes down.

I’ve been launching the boat mostly out of Dripping Springs access and fishing the falling water, drifting San Juan worms in the morning then switching it up between buggy soft hackle flies and sometimes dropping a midge below the soft hackles. Hot flies for me right now have been small Pheasant tail soft hackles, Guides Choice Hare’s ears and Pink San Juan worms along with Root beer midge’s.

Fishing Report July 19, 2023

SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running a good consistent generation schedule as of lately while we are having hot weather throughout the state. The SWPA has been usually running two units starting around 2pm. I’d expect to see the same generation schedule for a while or until we get some relief with cooler temps. Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.

The bite remains good even in the heat. Best bite has been early morning and late evening. With the temperatures in the 90’s & 100’s try to quickly land the fish and get them back in the water for a quick catch and release. Try fishing the deep holes around the moss beds and the oxygenated shoals and plunge pools. The hot flies for me have been pink San Juan worms. Pheasant tails, Guides Choice Hare’s ear and Root beer midge’s.

Fishing Report July 13,2023

SWPA SouthWest Power Administration has been running a fair amount of water with the current temperatures in the 90’s. SWPA has been usually starting sometime around 3pm in the afternoon and running till 7 pm or later. Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.

With the temperature’s in the 90’s and somewhat low flows during the heat of the day, try not to overplay the fish and quickly release them back to the river. The fishing has been best early mornings and later in the day in the evening. Try fishing the deep holes around the moss beds and the oxygenated shoals and plunge pools.

I’ve been running a nymph rig set between 3ft to 6ft deep depending on the depths of the river and drift fishing Pink San Juan worms, Duracell jigs, and Pheasant tails. If the water completely falls out I’ll put a midge dropper below the pheasant tail or the Duracell jig. The bite has been good on the entire river. I think the SWPA will continue to run the current generation schedule while we have hot day time temperatures and power demand is high.

Fishing Report June 28, 2023

SWPA, SouthWest Power Administration has been running a fairly consistent generation schedule all week, usually running two units starting at 3pm and running till 7pm. Monday through Friday. The weekend generation schedule has been usually starting at 3pm and running just an hour in the afternoon. Always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.

With the daytime temperature’s being in the 90’s and heat index in the 100’s try not to over play the fish and return them quickly to the water. The bite has been good first thing in the morning before the temperature starts to rise. And in the evening as it cools down.

Try fishing the deep holes around the moss beds and the oxygenated shoals. Pheasant tails and Hare’s ears along with midge’s and Pink San Juan worms have all been producing.

Fishing Report June 15. 2023

Greer’s Ferry Lake is at power pool.The SWPA. South West Power Administration has been running water at various times so always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out on the water.

The bite has been really good while fishing the falling water.Try fishing along the deep water next to the moss beds or the oxygenated shoals and plunge pools. Anything buggy is working well. Caddis patterns and Pheasant tails along with midge patterns fished underneath an indicator have been putting fish in the boat.

Fishing Report June 8, 2023

Greer’s Ferry Lake is at summer power pool and the SWPA, South West Power Administration has been running some water each day. They are not running a consistent generation schedule at this time so always check the USACE Little Rock app before heading out.

The current schedule has opened up the entire river for wade fishing. The bite has been really good with the lower flows that they are generating.Try fishing the deeper water around the moss beds and below the shoals in the oxygenated plunge pools.

The fish are biting on anything that’s buggy. I’ve been fishing Caddis patterns and Pheasant tails underneath an indicator set at various depths depending on how deep the water is. Midge patterns are also working well.

Fishing Report May 31, 2023

Greer’s Ferry Lake is at summer pool. Looks like we will be seeing reduced flows from SWPA, South West Power Administration. Let’s see what happens with the generation schedule and if they start a consistent pattern. This will open up Wade fishing for the entire river.

The bite has been good with the lower flows. We are having Caddis still hatching throughout our river. Anything buggy is working. Try fishing sow bug’s, midge patterns. Caddis patterns. Underneath an indicator along side the moss beds in the deeper water or fishing the oxygenated shoals.

Fishing Report May 10,2023

Greer’s Ferry Lake is 3.2 ft above the power pool. The Army Corps of Engineers are running 1 unit 24/7 to get the lake down to pool. I’d expect the same generation schedule to continue unless we get a lot of rain and they hold back releases from the dam.
The Caddis are hatching up and down the river. And the fish are eating. I’ve been fishing double Caddis patterns 6 to 8 ft deep underneath an indicator. With them running 1 unit. Another good fly is a Pink San Juan Worm. The Streamer bite has been really good as well. Try fishing articulated patterns on a sink line and throw towards the bank.

Mark Menning from Nashville TN.
With One Heck of a Little Red River Rainbow trout. We were drift fishing from the boat with a double nymph rig with Caddis patterns underneath an indicator when this Rainbow hit.

Dave with a nice Little Red River Brown trout
We were drift fishing Caddis patterns underneath an indicator and this guy hit in Cow Shoals.

Fishing Report April 19, 2023

Greer’s Ferry Lake is 8.5 feet above the power pool. The Army Corps of Engineers are currently running 2 unit’s and 4 floodgates open 24/7 around the clock to get the lake down to the pool. I’d expect the same generation schedule to continue unless we get a big rainstorm and they shut down or reduce the flows for a while until the creeks and streams are running normally.

The fishing has been good considering the high water. We have a Caddis hatch as the temperature starts to rise in the morning. I’ve been running a deep water nymph rig while fishing out of the boat. Usually fishing between 9 ft to 12 ft deep or deeper. Hot flies for me have been a Caddis and a Pink San Juan worm.

The Streamer bite has been good the fish are either hugging the bank or there laying on the bottom of the river.My streamer set up has been an #8 weight rod fishing 330 sink line with articulated flies and hitting the banks. Yellow and Brown, Dungeons along with Double Deceivers with a skull head have been my go to patterns of lately.

Fred, from Stuttgart Germany now residing in Memphis TN, was throwing an #8 weight Winston fly rod with a 330 sink line stripping a yellow and brown S-Dungeon streamer pattern and landed a nice Little Red River brown trout while fishing the high water.

Fishing Report March 22, 2023

Greer’s Ferry Lake is 8.4 feet above power pool. The Army Corps of Engineers has been running two units usually starting from 7am to 7pm. But it’s subject to change. Always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out. With the current generation schedule the bite has been good fishing the falling water in the morning.

I’ve been putting in at Lobo Landing access and starting a little early to beat the new batch of water that hits in the afternoon. Afterwards I’ve been putting in at the Dam for the second half of the day and fishing a deep water nymph rig. Set the indicator at various depths depending on how deep the water is. Anywhere from 6 ft to 12 ft deep with a split shot to get it down.
Hot flies for this technique are San Juan worms and egg patterns along with Caddis, Pheasant tail nymphs or anything buggy. The Streamer bite has been good. Try fishing sink lines on your streamer rod with articulated patterns and pound the bank.